唔好以為買嘢買得貴就說明你好 generous,很多時候要看對象和場合,越貴可以代表你越 cheap。
「頭盤都未到,」拿著一杯 gin tonic 的師弟雙眼通紅,「佢就企起身走咗喇。」
「你意思係攞埋份禮物走?」Benson 覺得那位女生沒可能會放棄那份禮物。
Benson 聽到師弟這樣說,立刻用手裏的蝦條指著我說:「你教佢買手袋?」
搞清楚條 timeline,唔該。
愛馬仕一定冇死錯人,買唔到 BKC,都起碼買個 Lindy,再唔係粗粗哋整個 Picotin 都要。
嫌愛馬仕太離地,Chanel 都絕對出得廳堂,但買得 Chanel 點都要買個皮嘅,千祈唔好買啲死人布袋款。
再退而求其三,LV 都好,不過有心買 LV 就唔好買 Neverfull 嗰隻款。唔係話呢個款有問題,但作為一份禮物,Neverfull 有點兒寒酸。
如果真的 budget 有限而又想買個見得下人嘅牌子,不妨考慮 Goyard。呢個牌子嘅手袋普遍價錢相宜,但唔好處就係一啲比較靚嘅款,例如佢哋嘅 bucket bag,唔係話行入舖頭就買到。
師弟聽見 Benson 這樣說,完全明白什麼是兩脇插刀。
我和 Benson 難以置信地相視一會。
如果那位收到這個手袋的女士有看這篇文章,我想講,你 EQ 真係算高。
generous gin 在 Angeltini Facebook 的最佳解答
Martinez - also known as the father of martini.
Sweet vermouth
Orange bitters
Maraschino liqueur
I've made even more cocktails during this mco period.
Pros: being able to be super generous with my pour.
Cons: when i go back to a proper bar, everything's gonna taste watered down.
generous gin 在 Hannah Tan Facebook 的最佳解答
// Can I sing you a shoutout? //
Are you/do you know a #December baby?
December or not,
Comment your birthdate
so that I can sing you a happy song
on your birthday month, just like I did
with the November babies.
(Previous post)
(You can also tag other December babies
whom you’d like me to send love to on your behalf❤️)
10 Traits of people born in December:
1. They are born teachers (but not in a bossy way).
2. They are honest.
3. They are organized.
4. They are very nice to others.
5. They are grounded.
6. They are very helpful.
7. They are very generous people.
8. They are intellectual.
9. They are natural managers.
10. They are realistic & very practical.
How true is this?
Side note:
Never be ashamed of a scar.
It simply means you were stronger
than whatever tried to hurt you.
Love you.
Shot by @adhamborhan at Gin School.😁
generous gin 在 Generous Gin (1 x 0.7 l) : Amazon.de - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Bouteille De Gin, Cocktail Sans Alcool, Boisson, Alambic Charentais, Fleur De Sureau ... Generous Gin (1 x 0.7 l). Generous Gin (1 x 0.7 l) : Amazon.de. ... <看更多>
generous gin 在 O'my bar - . Generous Gin 其釀酒廠ÔdeVie... | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Generous Gin 其釀酒廠ÔdeVie SAS酒廠位於法國干邑區附近的一個村莊,一開始是以生產Arcane French Rum為主,隨著銷量增長,聲名遠播,隨後便著手策劃Generous Gin產品 ... ... <看更多>